Friday, August 28, 2009

Field Trip to the Science Lab

We are so lucky! We get to go to the science lab every Friday! We had a lesson this week where we learned about the jobs of a scientist and the tools that they use. In the lab today we rotated to different stations where we got to use some of the tools that a scientist uses.

In this first picture we are using eyedroppers to make new colors in our test tubes. Check out our neat safety goggles!
At this station we did some work with balances and gram stackers.

This station centered around the use of hand lenses. We got to look at some really neat rocks and shells.
We were measuring the temperature differences between hot water and water with an ice cube in it.
This center had microscopes and slider scopes. Under the microscope we saw a flea, a piece of newsprint, and salt. They looked so neat!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Magic Beans

Today in science we started with our first exploration. We were exploring how a bean seed makes a new bean plant. We compared what a dry seed looked like to a seed that was soaked in water overnight. Then we got to pull off the outer covering of the seed and split it open. You will never guess what we found!! The start of a new tiny plant! Below are some pictures of us from this activity.

Here Marisa and Kiyomi were studying the bean up close.
Gabrielle and Josie were all about their seeds!

Luke M. was using a hand lens to get a closer look.

Jack D. found a very prominent stem of a new plant!
Luke T, Maxine, and Trey were fascinated by their beans!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Welcome to third grade!!

We are so excited to meet you and work with you this year. This blog will be used as a celebration of learning to post many of the neat things we do in our classroom this year!